Quality home painters for Geelong properties
Posted on February 26, 2019 in GeneralQuality paint can make a house look well dressed, well cared for and, well, simply fantastic.
With the warmer months a great opportunity for people to give their homes a fresh, external face lift with well-chosen paint colours, our home painters in Geelong are a great source of information and painting services.
Painting your home’s exterior is not something to charge into without careful thought. There are important factors to consider, with surface preparation a key to the quality of the final result.
At Geelong Prestige Painting, we have the experience, skills and equipment to make your home’s exterior sing. And we know that excellent surface preparation is the foundation of a superb paint finish.
Before you even consider dipping a brush or roller in paint, you need to think about washing your home’s exterior and ensuring it is ready for painting.
We use a pressure washer to rid the surface of chalk deposits and any dirt to ensure a clean surface. And then we examine that surface carefully to determine whether any areas need old, flaking or worn paint scraped away and sanded smooth. Once that’s done, and the painting surface is clean, smooth and ready to go, it’s time to paint.
Because paint is our business, we’ll ensure the type of paint you select is up to the job of protecting your home.
And then comes the task of selecting a colour scheme.
Perhaps you want a bright, white look for your home, or maybe you like the atmosphere of charcoal black and grey. Do you want to incorporate pops of colour? We’re happy to offer advice when it comes to colour selections and can help you find the perfect colour palette for your home.
You can also ask our home painters about what tools you’ll need for a quality paint job.
Painting is hard, exacting work. And it’s a job you want to get right, or you’ll see evidence of shoddy application every time you enter or leave your home.
That’s why using the professional home painters Geelong residents trust for a quality result makes sense. And that’s us – Geelong Prestige Painting.
Our team has the knowledge, the experience and the drive to deliver a superior painting solution for your home’s exterior. Please contact us for more information.