Monthly Archive: November 2014

Geelong Prestige Painting Geelong

Your painter and decorator in Geelong

Posted on November 27, 2014 in General

For many, the term “painter and decorator” is quaint and old-fashioned and you may wonder where the term originated. Historically, the painter was only responsible for mixing the paint. He (and it was for a long time an occupation only open to men) would utilise his experience to determine what mixture would be suitable for…

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Alford Prestige Residential Painting Geelong

Proper preparation with your Geelong house painter

Posted on November 4, 2014 in Residential

As all good residential house painter professionals know, the key to an outstanding paint job starts well before the first can of paint is even opened. Although it is the least noticeable part of the process, preparation is without a doubt the most important element of a great finish, allowing the paint to achieve a…

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